*** We are currently full in all classes, but we would love to add students to our contact list for next school year.
Please click the link below and indicate in the memo/notes section that your inquiry is for the 25/26 School Year. ***
Inquiry Link : HERE
All About Preschool!
If you are on this page, chances are you are new to SPPCS! Let me be the first to welcome you!
If you are not new to SPPCS, Welcome Back!
We are very proud of our Preschool Program and we would love to show you what sets us apart from other typical preschools.
Preschoolers waving as they head out to Field Day on the “Falcon Express” shuttle bus!
Our Preschool Program is divided into 3 classrooms:
Preschool A
Preschool B
Preschool C
Preschool Starts at 8am and dismisses at 3pm.
Each class is equipt with an oversized classroom, age appropriate centers, large windows that sit low, smart boards in each classroom, age appropriate restrooms and playgrounds that allow creative play at its best!
Our Preschool classrooms are on the main floor of our school, set aside for privacy and security, yet close enough to the hustle and bustle of the rest of the school.
Preschool classes eat in their classrooms, yet visit the school cafeteria for other school events. They are allowed to either bring their lunch from home, or enjoy a healthy school lunch tray. Preschool classes are offered the same lunch tray options as the rest of the school students. This gives them the oppurtunity to enjoy a variety of foods and in the same way they would in a “big kid” school setting. We feel this is one of the ways we help prepare them for life in Kindergarten. Which can seem like a VERY big step!
Preschool students participate in a variety of all-school assembles, open house, Grandparents day, the annual talent show, masses, holiday events, Spring & Fall community service days, and the end-of-the-year Celebration/Field Day, just to name a few.
Preschool students enjoy visiting the school gym for P.E w/ Mrs. Brinkmann , the Computer/STEM lab w/ Mrs. McIver for classes, the music/band room w/ Mr. Ruppel, and visits to the school library w/ their homeroom teacher to check out books to take home. Haveing access to different parts of the school, faculty, and the ability to see the older students at work, we feel helps our Preschoolers adjust to a larger school setting. We feel these oppurtunities allow them to grow and feel more comfortable in a larger school setting when the time comes.
Each Preschool Student has a “buddy” from an older class. Their buddy joins them at several masses throughout the year, school assembles, and during Field Day. At any time during the day when a preschool class is walking to PE or music, you can hear them call out a big “HI!” to their passing buddy! Many friendships and memories have been made over the years. We love to see the students learn and grow from each other. It’s truely a blessing!
SPPCS has before and after school latchkey services: 6am - 8am and 3pm - 6pm / Monday - Friday and during 1/2 Days of school from 11am - 6pm (sack lunch from home is required) . All children are automatically enrolled in latchkey when they enroll. This allows students to attend if there are last-minute changes in a parent’s schedule resulting in a delay in pickup at the end of the day.
SPPCS has a summer program that is available to preschoolers - 8th grade. Summer Splash! is open the week after the last day of the school year and ends the week before school starts in the Fall of the new school year. To sign up for Summer Splash! , please contact the school office.
Preschoolers enjoy a play put on by upper classes.
Preschool students are not required to:
wear the school uniform.
Sign/turn in the Parishioner/Non-Parishioner forms. Tuition is not based on parishioner status.
Participate in SPPCS fundraising events.
Preschool snacks & lunch are included in tuition prices.
Preschoolers are currently not able to use the before and after school bus service provided to SPPCS. All Preschool students require an adult to drop off or pick up from school.
Preschoolers must be dropped off and picked up at the “Preschool entrance” of the school. If a preschool student has an older sibling, they may be picked up with the older sibling.
Preschool VFW Coloring Contest Winners
St. Nicholas visits Preschool
A preschool student is selected from each class to participate in All Saints Day Mass.
Preschool Students enjoy cheering on the FALCONS
w/ their buddies!
Preschool classes participate in the annual Epiphany Blessing in the SPPCS Gym.
Preschool students are eligible to be selected for a
Virtue of the Month award!
The annual Halloween parade is just one of the many all-school events Preschool students enjoy!