Please continue to keep Pope Francis in your daily prayers.

We pray that his health and strength continue to improve.

Designs can be dropped off at the Parish Office or the School Office.

Deadline: April 1st, 2025


Falcons 8th-grade team with a 2nd place finish in Belleville Diocesan AA Tournament!

What a great group of girls! So proud of them! They have played some nail-biters in the last week and they deserve some praise! Fly Falcons! 4; 7th graders and 4; 8th graders!

-Brett Hanvey / SPPCS Athletic Director

It’s almost book fair time again!

A Buy One, Get One Free Scholastic Book Fair will be held Monday, April 7 - Monday, April 9.

Flyers will be sent home with students Friday.

We are looking for volunteers to help make this special event as successful as possible. There is a role for everyone - responsibilities for our volunteers include helping students shop, running cash registers, keeping shelves and tables tidy, or other small tasks. A successful book fair allows us to purchase items for our school. We would appreciate any help that you are able to give!

Sign up to volunteer today!

Mrs. McIver’s S.T.E.M. classes have been busy this month!

4th grade created parachute people out of pipe cleaners and coffee filters. They tested their skills and determined what variables made their people land in different ways.

6th Grade has been working on a digital 40 day Lenten Challenge. Everyday they are tasked to come up with an activity that will bring them closer to God.

7th Grade entered lucky charm data into spreadsheets!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day from SPPCS!

Designs due by March 31st, 2025

For more information, please contact Mrs. Riebeling :