The Gala Committee is accepting live & silent auction items for our annual Spring Gala.

Baskets, sporting tickets, home decor, yard ornaments, tools, appliances, are a few great ideas!



Thank you officer Hartin for your dedication to serving our community, protecting our youth and teaching the D.A.R.E. program to our 5th grade. We appreciate YOU!

Have you ever wanted to help out at school, but didn't know what the first step would be? Curious how to help, but on a limited time schedule? Not a problem! Our awesome PTO parents are here to help you! Being part of our PTO can be as little or as much time you have. We understand time is limited these days and we are appreciative for every little minute that is volunteered. We appreciate you!

Next PTO Meeting: Thursday, March 20th - 7pm - M.A.G. Room.

(park at preschool parking lot and enter through M.A.G. room door)

Wednesday we have another “Principal of the Day" event!

Ms. Kirk has declared it P.J. Day!

Picture Day for Ss Peter And Paul Elementary School is scheduled for Friday, March 7th and this event's Order Code is 0006YDF.

K - 8th Grade - Spring Picture Day (No Uniform Day)

Congrats to the winners!

Thank you to our PTO for coming up with a super fun trivia night! Our PTO is a HUGE part of the SPPCS family. Without our PTO we would not have the extra support for our students, faculty and staff that make our school what it is.

Parents and grandparents can join our PTO anytime throughout the year! You can attend monthly meetings and volunteer as much or as little as your schedule allows. We appreciate the time and heart that is put into our PTO!

Ms. Schewe did an amazing job as principal on Tuesday! She was given her own key card and access to the entire school! She completed some work in the teachers lounge, gave access to students by swiping her key card, enjoyed a lunch out at D.Q. with friends, delivered sugar cookies to all the classes, monitored classroom activities, enjoyed an extra recess with her class, and read the afternoon announcements to the entire school! She had a busy day!

We are very excited to welcome two Gibault students to Saints Peter & Paul Catholic School.

Tyler & Jacob will join us Monday, February 24th.

For the next few weeks, they will be spending their days with us completing their senior service projects.