Access SPPCS Uniform Policy HERE
School uniforms can be purchased at the school resale shop, from our local supplier (see below), or at your desired store of choice. Please be sure to read our uniform policy and contact the school office with any questions.
SPPCS Resale Shop
Located on the 2nd floor of the parish Quilting House on the parish/school campus.
228 W. Mill Street - Waterloo,IL
** SPPCS PTO maintains our resale shop. Store hours depend on their availability. Store is open throughout the school year and summer. Days the store are open are posted on the SPPCS Facebook page and email notices are sent to parents.
Preschool - Uniforms are not required
K - 8th Grade - School Uniforms are required
5th - 8th Grade - P.E. Uniforms are required
Uniform & Spirit-wear Suppliers
School Uniform Jumpers/Skirts - Just Me Apparel
For all your skirt & jumper needs, please visit “Just Me Apparel”. Skirts and jumper can be purchased and picked up “in store” with no shipping cost (Manchester Location).
**When visiting the website, please be sure to use the drop down menu and select our school.
School Uniform & Spirit Wear - Creation Station Designs
Uniforms - Spiritwear - Future Falcon Gear
We have partnered with a local business to supply a variety of accessories, uniform approved items and spirit-wear items! This means that anything purchased from this store is allowed to be worn with your school uniform or on Spirit-wear Wednesdays.
“Creation Station Designs” items can be purchased online, or you can visit their store within “Crafted in the Loo” at 111 N. Main Street in downtown Waterloo.
Uniform link coming soon!
Future Falcon Gear link coming soon!
A large amount of items and designs can be found in the FB link Here
**When visiting the website, please click on “more” in the menu bar and select our school.
School Spirit Wear - Nike Shop
For your general Spirit-wear needs, we have partnered with an exclusive Nike vendor to provide high quality athletic wear with name brand selections. These items may be worn on spirit wear Wednesdays (except hoodies) and make great gifts for alumni, friends, and family!
P.E. Uniforms - BSN Sports Shop
BSN Sports shop has been our PE uniform supplier for several years. All uniforms are ordered through the school office.
Orders are taken at the beginning of the school year, but additional uniforms can be purchased if needed during the school year.
PE Uniform order forms can be requested in the school office.