We would love your help.
At SPPCS we rely heavily on the time and talents of our volunteers. Whether helping in the classroom, working lunch duty, chaperoning a field trip or simply making copies for our teachers, our volunteers make our day-to-day workflow that much easier and we are so grateful for the time they spend at our school.
All of our volunteers must complete the following:
Diocese of Belleville Online Child Protection Program ( click Here )
Each year thereafter, an online refresher course in Child Protection must be taken.
Complete the required CANTS form. ( click Here )
Complete our Volunteer Application (click Here )
Complete Background check ( This will be completed once the above has been submitted )
Ways to Volunteer -
Annual Gala:
The Gala is a Saturday night of fun including appetizers, dinner and drinks, along with silent and live auction items. Donations of items are accepted throughout the year. Volunteers are needed for various activities prior to and during the night of the event. Don’t miss being a part of its huge success !
Can’t attend, but want to donate or sponsor, contact our Gala Committee.
Lunch & Recess Duty:
Parents and Grandparents are always welcome to help during our lunch hours and recess time. Volunteers are always welcome to help with lunch, recess or both! ( Times below are approx due to Mass schedules )
1st Hour lunch/Recess: K-2nd /10:50am - 11:35pm
2nd Hour lunch/Recess: 3rd-5th / 11:30am - 12:15pm
3rd Hour lunch / Recess: 6th-8th / 12:30pm - 1:10pm
Classroom & Fieldtrip Volunteers:
Parents & Grandparents can volunteer with classroom parties or help chaperone field trips. Feel free to reach out to your child’s teacher at any time during the year for a list of events or field trips.
At SPPCS, we rely heavily on fundraising to help keep our tuition affordable to our families. We require each family to meet a $250 fundraising obligation and we give you many opportunities throughout the year to meet that goal.
TJ’s Pizza Sales
Gold Rush Tickets
Laundry Detergent and Trash Bag Sales
End of Year Raffle