Make it stand out
8:00am : Drop Off / Preschool Door
8:15am Class Starts
8:15am & After : Drop Off / School Main Door
3:00pm : Pickup / Preschool Door
Preschool Students must be dropped off and picked up by an adult at the Preschool door.
Preschool students may only get picked up in the gym at the end of the day w/ a sibling. Please note it MUST be a sibling and not any other relation. All other Preschool students get picked up at the Preschool door at the end of the day.
K - 8th Grades
7:15am : School Main Door Opens For Students & Greeted By Faculty Member.
7:45am : Bell Rings To Start The Day (tardy after the bell)
2:30pm : Bus Call
2:40pm : Bus Pickup
2:45pm : End of Day Bell / Pickup Begins At Gym Doors
3:10pm : Any Students Not Picked Up Will Proceed To Latchkey
**Please remember if your child requires assistance getting out of the car in the morning, please pull forward, as to not block the flow of traffic.
**Please be mindful of buses dropping and picking up students at the end of the day. Please do not try to go around buses when their lights are flashing and the sign is out. All drivers who disregard bus laws are reported to the bus garage and the local police dept.
All SPPCS families are given a βcar tag #β . This car tag is to be used during pick up at the end of the day. Car tags should be hung where they are easily seen by a faculty member calling numbers at pickup time.