Mrs. Kimberly Huels
“I can do all this through Him who gives me strength.” - Philippians 4:13
2nd Grade Curriculum can be accessed Here
Our class wish lists can be accessed Here
My name is Mrs. Huels. I am excited to teach second grade again this year. This will be my 16th year at SPPCS. I taught preschool for 5 years and second grade for 11 years. My heart belongs in second grade. I enjoy celebrating two very important sacraments with them, First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. The excitement the children have as they receive The Body and Blood of Christ brings joy to me every single year.
Second grade is also a very special year because the children begin to become independent thinkers, and begin to show respect and empathy for others around them. I try to make them as comfortable as possible and adapt to their learning styles. They will begin to learn about their community and roles that community members play. We will take several walking trips around town to explore our community and learn about the past and present. We will also begin to learn about the continents and oceans. In math, we will work on addition, subtraction, regrouping, time, money and fractions. Reading fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary will strengthen as we introduce the children to chapter books. They will become avid writers and begin to write 1-2 paragraphs by the end of the year.
I believe that communication is key to a child's success, and to a great teacher/student/parent relationship, so let me tell you some things about myself. I have been married to my husband,Kris, for 27 years. We live in Waterloo with our 3 children. Karson(23), who will be finishing his nursing degree this year and playing his final year of college soccer at Mckendree University. Kayla (21), who will be graduating this year from Mizzou with a Speech Pathology degree, and Kaden (12), who is a 7th grader at SPPCS. All three of my children attended SPPCS. Our family is a huge sports family. We play soccer, volleyball, baseball, basketball-(basically anything with a ball). We love taking vacations together (especially the beach), and playing competitive board and card games. They can get a little heated at times. I look forward to getting to know each second grader and their family.
A few of my favorites:
Snack: Popcorn, cheez-its, fruit and veggies
Candy: Heath and Payday candy bars
Drink: ½ cut ice tea, vanilla-caramel latte-and coffee
Restaurant: Tequilas, Casa, Bean Tree, Thai House, Reifschneiders
Store: Amazon, Target, Hobby Lobby, Clothes LIne
Monogram: kHl