Zach Sias
“I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” - Philippians 4:13
EMAIL : zsias@sppswaterloo.com
Spanish Curriculum Here
Classroom Wish List HERE
Hello St. Peter and Paul Families!
I am excited to be joining the faculty at St. Peter and Paul and teaching your children Spanish this school year. I will be teaching Pre-School through Eighth Grade. This is my fifteenth year working as a teacher. I have taught both Physical Education and Spanish as well as coached several different sports at the high school level. I enjoy working in Catholic Schools because of the ability to attend mass as a school in addition to the close community feel. During college I was able to study Spanish abroad in Barcelona, Spain. Outside of school I enjoy spending time with my wife and daughter playing sports, traveling, and watching my alma mater Kansas Jayhawks play football and basketball. I look forward to helping your child gain a better understanding of Spanish language and culture! Muchas gracias!
-Senor Sias
Color: Blue
Restaurant: Buffalo Wild Wings, Jimmy Johns, Sugarfire
Drink: Diet Dr. Pepper
Candy: Peanut M and M's
Place to shop: Dick's sporting goods